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Mabel Lee

3 video marketing tips for your brand

Were you able to steer your attention away when you came across Apple’s iPhone X video commercial?

I couldn’t. I was completely hooked by the synchronisation of the visual, sound and text elements, bringing the phone to life in a way that a static banner can never match up to.

GIF Credit: Magzine

With the growth of video marketing, here are three tips to help your brand create an effective strategy for it. Let’s dig in.

1. Go for educational video content

Microsoft founder Bill Gates once said that ‘content is king’. By developing a strong message in your video, it is key in not only getting eyeballs but increases the likelihood of consumer conversion.

However, the world of content is vast. What kind of message can one put out there that resonates with an audience?

Educating your viewers is a compelling form of video marketing. These videos provide advice or tips, adding value to your customers’ lives.

There are many video tutorials available, especially on YouTube. If you are just as addicted to the video-sharing platform as I am, my guess is that you would have seen Wix’s ads on it. Before you skip its ad the next time (I assume that you have not downloaded ad block), take a look at it and chances are, it’s a tutorial on how to use the latest features of the website-building platform.

Now you might think that video marketing is limited to digital products and services. However, even if you run a bakery and sell baking tools, I would suggest filming a vanilla mille crêpes cake tutorial using your brand’s signature spatula!

2. Know your target audience and know how to reach them

Before deciding on which platform to make the video available on, a brand needs to identify its target audience. I would recommend your brand to find out about their demographics and psychographics. Why?

Knowing your intended audience’s demographics would only give you information such as their age and gender. Take a step further and be familiar with their aspirations. For instance, who would they take advice from? This could spark the idea of working with potential influencers to extend the video’s reach.

Next, as mentioned, I am a YouTube enthusiast and as Digital Market Asia confirms, many Singaporeans are just like me. In fact, about four out of five Singaporeans would choose YouTube to watch videos over other platforms.

One way to reach an audience on the video-sharing platform is to buy ad space on popular YouTube channels. However, with a limited marketing budget, this might not be possible. Instead, try creating your brand’s very own YouTube channel and use keyword rich titles! With the help of online SEO tools such as Keyword Tool, it gives a sense of the search volumes and trends on YouTube. By using a descriptive and interesting title, the algorithm will be able to sort the video in terms of its relevance and increase viewership.

3. Plan for the best time to post your video

Just like any other working individual, I have a busy weekday schedule. Thus, the only days that I would have time to watch YouTube videos would be during the weekends. Night Owl Cinematics, a Singaporean YouTube Channel, caters to working adult lifestyles by uploading their popular ‘Food King’ and ‘Spotlight’ series on Fridays and Saturdays respectively.

If you plan to post on Fridays, a tip would be to release the video between 12 to 4 pm as viewers tend to watch YouTube in the evening. In contrast, the best time to post a YouTube video during the weekends would be in the early mornings from 9 to 11 am (which is probably the time your target audience gets up).

With the rising importance of video marketing in this digital era, enhance your brand’s potential and relevance with it! If your brand is in need of inspirational video marketing ideas, we are a branding and PR agency guided by our play-based methodologies that anchor our creative ideation process. Come and say hi to us at!